An impulsive buisness trip to Lusaka brought me back to cleanliness & civilistion.
Put my mascara on for the second time in 6,5 month and felt a little bit more like the WOMAN i actually am too. Dont get me wrong – I LOVE the bush and i would not change my living out there for a life in town but i need a good balance between the two. Its been a little bit too much of bush and not enough socialising with other people the last couple of months.
I think i have stayed in all of their rooms by now.





In this map you can see both LUSAKA and LIVINGSTONE if you look along the south border. The trip from Livingstone to here takes about 7,5 hours with one quick stop for food but its only 550 km. The road is ok. Some potholes here and there but one part is under construction work at the moment and that part is horrible.

Thats all for now folks. Tomorrow i will let you experience a visit to a zambian SUPERMARKET. Yepp they do have supermarkets, haha…and computers…and cellphones…and shoppingmalls.
Stay tuned…
to learn more about a continent/a country you might never visit OR actually would WANT to visit after reading a coupe of my blog posts. A continent of contrasts. A continent full of love AND full of hate. A continent wich i have always called my “second home” <3
